Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Photographs told me everything.....

4:44 PM Posted by mohsin - for you No comments
The special cell story about the blast in the Israeli diplomatic car on 13 feb. is that a motorbike stuck the magnet bomb to the rear left side of the car of the diplomat , and the bomb is expected to explode within 4.5 seconds after it is planted.Which means that there was no time for the biker to move away from the target or for the target to know what happened.
The photographs makes an interesting story.A close observation show that the flames are coming out from inside the car; the body of the car is intact and even its rubber tyre are unharmed.Special cell or Israeli embassy never claimed that the bomb was planted inside the car.Why? The cooked up story is that the bomb was attacked to the outer left panel of the car (the petrol tank is on the right side).If this is so, the blast on the outer panel must have smashed the panel.The left/rear rubber tyre should have been destroyed and burnt but nothing of this sort happened as the photograph clearly depicts.

In the next photo, when the fire has been doused ,the body of the car and its tyres stand intact with only a little damage to the outer panels .This has only one logical explanation :the bomb was stored inside the car , obviously by the Israelis themselves and it exploded inside causing flames to come out from the car. And that is why the driver could alight from the right side and walk the whole distance to the left side of the car and drag out the women to safety. there was no chance for her ,driver or the car to survive if the bomb had gone off on the rear side where the women was supposedly sitting acc. to Special Cell story.