Monday, April 21, 2014

Riots... why they happen?

5:35 PM Posted by mohsin - for you 1 comment
I know it's coming late but let it be. I am hurt but I cannot fully empathize their pain, sufferings and the mental trauma through which they are going. What we mostly do only is - express our sorrows through walls, blogs (as I'm doing) and nothing more. It's just for few days and slowly and gradually nobody remember it (as we've forgotten now).
The first and foremost question that props up into my mind is - What is the reason behind such incidents?
Do we have so much bitterness towards each other?
Are we so much intolerant that we start butchering others?
Don't we have slightest compassion left for each other? Are we so weak to be played in the hand of others?
Is there a need for a great man to come and unite us?
I don't know if there is any politics behind it or not but if it is there then we are fooled by so called chair-holders and are dancing to their tunes.

Let us consider that there is politics involved. Even then mere for votes of a community, is it justifiable to take so many lives? Who teaches them so? Is there no more issues left to do politics on? Probably, they think that one is attached to his religion very emotionally and it's a soft target to cash in for their greater good. I never claim to be a great analyst of politics, but in my view the agenda or manifesto of the political parties should lie in common good of the people and consequently leading to the development of the country. The agenda should not be mere jotting down myriad of points and not being serious about actually doing it. 

I earnestly appeal to my readers and to my enlightened friends to please pray for the victims of any mishaps and if something could be done for their rehabilitation please come forward. Also, we need to think about the political system of our country-" IT NEEDS A THOROUGH OVERHAULING ".

1 comment:

  1. its nvr late to initiate wt u sought off earlier...tday u strttd to express ,,tmrw it wl voice of 1oos n den 1000sn so on
